Friday, April 6, 2012

"The Higher the Stiletto the Bigger the Dreams": A Trip Abroad

London Calling - Red Telephone Box Color Print
(this photo is not our own)

Jeri and I are currently in London, and have been abroad for 9 days, and tomorrow is our final day of our journey. As we flip through our cameras, tally up all the food receipts, and re-organize our growing suitcases; we can't help but to reflect on some of the intangibles of the trip. We are appreciative, overwhelmed, and delighted about every chance we have been able to take thus far, and this trip was no exception!

Let's start with the itinerary:

Travel Dates: March 30th- April 8th
March 30th: USA to London, UK
April 2nd-April 4th to Barcelona, Spain
April 4th-5th to Ibiza, Spain
April 5th-8th to London, UK
April 8th at around 630pm we Land in Virginia

While the itinerary does display how overzealous we can be when it comes to planning trips, we did manage to get everything in. Hey, you only live once, right? Right!!! While I do not want to go in too much detail on this single post (my head is still wrapping around the fact that I was able to experience all this), I did want to give you a briefing of why we have been M.I.A lately. We also, thought that we would break up the trip in several different posts, because it would be blog overload if we tried to cram it all into this one post. In our personal opinion, that would not do this experience any justice. As a heads up to you; we wanted to preface the string of travel posts with this one. This will let you know what to expect of the next week or so. Thank you all in advance for sharing this experience with us! 

Our London posts will be up soon!

Posted by Ashley

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